Research Articles

edited by Twyman Research Management

Abdelhafiz I, Gerth S, Claussen J, Weule M, Hufnagel E, Vilcinskas A, Lee KZ (2024) Radioactivity and GMO-free sterile insect technology for the sustainable control of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii. Adv Biol 26, e2400100.  DOI

An X, Gu Q, Wang J, Chang T, Zhang W, Wang JJ, Niu J (2024) Insect-specific RNA virus affects the stylet penetration activity of brown citrus aphid (Aphis citricidus) to facilitate its transmission. Insect Sci 31 (1) 255–270.  DOI

Bayon JL, Shih C, Craig SL, Steinmetz NF (2024) A simple swell-and-click method for the covalent attachment of virus-like particles to polymer hydrogels. Mat Today Chem 38, 102100.  DOI

Boll EJ, Lopez DV, Terne M, Hessing S, Parschat K, Jensen SR (2024) Human milk oligosaccharides differentially support gut barrier integrity and enhance Th1 and Th17 cell effector responses in vitro. Front Immunol 15, 1359499.  DOI

Cheah BH, Chen YL, Zou XY, Lee KT, Shih YH, Lin YF (2024) Bacillus subtilis var. natto promotes tobacco plant growth under normal conditions and in the presence of sodium bicarbonate. Biolog Plant 68, 52–59.  DOI

Erkoc P, Schiffmann S, Ulshöfer T, Henke M, Marner M, Krämer J, Predel R, Schäberle TF, Hurka S, Dersch L, Vilcinskas A, Fürst R, Lüddecke T (2024) Determining the pharmacological potential and biological role of linear pseudoscorpion toxins via functional profiling. iScience (online first 8/6/2024).  DOI

Hellmann MJ, Moerschbacher BM, Cord-Landwehr S (2024) Fast insights into chitosan-cleaving enzymes by simultaneous analysis of polymers and oligomers through size exclusion chromatography. Sci Rep 14 (1) 3417.  DOI

Johnson KA, Budicini MR, Bhattarai N, Sharma T, Urata S, Gerstman BS, Chapagain PP, Li S, Stahelin RV (2024) PI(4,5)P2 binding sites in the Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 modulate assembly and budding. J Lipid Res 65 (3) 100512.  DOI

Kaczor M, Malicki S, Folkert J, Dobosz E, Bryzek D, Chruscicka-Smaga B, Greczan M, Wesół-Kucharska D, Piątosa B, Samborowska E, Madzio J, Książyk J, Ehmke Vel Emczyńska E, Hajdacka M, Potempa J, Młynarski W, Rokicki D, Veillard F (2024) Neutrophil functions in patients with neutropenia due to glycogen storage disease type 1b treated with empagliflozin. Blood Adv 8 (11) 2790–2802.  DOI

Mäckelmann S, Känel A, Kösters LM, Lyko P, Prüfer D, Noll GA, Wicke S (2024) Gene complementation analysis indicates that parasitic dodder plants do not depend on the host FT protein for flowering. Plant Commun 5 (5) 100826.  DOI

Mizgalska D, Malicki S, Golda A, Chruścicka-Smaga B, Potempa J (2024) Screening and characterization of aptamers recognizing the periodontal pathogen Tannerella forsythia. FEBS Open Bio 14 (3) 498–504.  DOI

Mücke Y, Jablonka N, Rimann N, Grisch-Chan HM, Hoffmann B, Schillberg S, Thöny B, Rasche S (2024) A phenylalanine-free recombinant nutritional protein for the dietary management of phenylketonuria. J Inherit Metab Dis (online first 23/2/2024).  DOI

Nausch H, Baldan M, Teichert K, Lutz J, Claussen C, Bortz M, Buyel JF (2024) Simulation and optimization of nutrient uptake and biomass formation using a multi-parameter Monod-type model of tobacco BY-2 cell suspension cultures in a stirred-tank bioreactor. Front Plant Sci 14, 1183254.  DOI

Omokungbe B, Centurión A, Stiehler S, Morr A, Vilcinskas A, Steinbrink A, Hardes K (2024) Gene silencing in the aedine cell lines C6/36 and U4.4 using long double-stranded RNA. Parasit Vectors 17 (1) 255.  DOI

Opdensteinen P, Knödler M, Buyel JF (2024) Production of enzymes for the removal of odorous substances in plant biomass. Prot Exp Purif 214, 106379.  DOI

Rinklef A, Behrmann SC, Löffler D, Erner J, Meyer MV, Lang C, Vilcinskas A, Lee KZ (2024) Prevalence in potato of 'Candidatus Arsenophonus Phytopathogenicus' and 'Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani' and their transmission via adult Pentastiridius leporinus. Insects 15 (4) 275.  DOI

Roelfs KU, Känel A, Twyman RM, Prüfer D, Schulze Gronover C (2024) Epigenetic variation in early and late flowering plants of the rubber-producing Russian dandelion Taraxacum koksaghyz provides insights into the regulation of flowering time. Sci Rep 14, 4283.  DOI

Schäufele TJ, Kolbinger A, Friedel J, Gurke R, Geisslinger G, Weigert A, Pierre S, Scholich K (2024) Meloxicam treatment disrupts the regional structure of innate inflammation sites by targeting the pro-inflammatory effects of prostanoids. Br J Pharmacol 181 (7) 1051–1067.  DOI

Schmidt FJ, Grundmann L, Lahme M, Seidemann M, Schwarze A, Lichtenauer S, Twyman RM, Prüfer D, Noll GA (2024) COL2-dependent photoperiodic floral induction in Nicotiana sylvestris seems to be lost in the N. sylvestris × N. tomentosiformis hybrid N. tabacum. Front Plant Sci 14, 1249879.  DOI

Serra Mari R, Schrinner S, Finkers R, Ziegler FMR, Arens P, Schmidt MH, Usadel B, Klau GW, Marschall T (2024) Haplotype-resolved assembly of a tetraploid potato genome using long reads and low-depth offspring data. Genome Biol 25 (1) 26.  DOI

Sobrino-Mengual G, Alvarez D, Twyman RM, Gerrish C, Fraser PD, Capell T, Christou P (2024) Activation of the native PHYTOENE SYNTHASE 1 promoter by modifying near-miss cis-acting elements induces carotenoid biosynthesis in embryogenic rice callus. Plant Cell Rep 43 (5) 118.  DOI

Sobrino-Mengual G, Armario-Nájera V, Balieu J, Walet-Balieu ML, Saba-Mayoral A, Pelacho AM, Capell T, Christou P, Bardor M, Lerouge P (2024) The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor-binding domain expressed in rice callus features a homogeneous mix of complex-type glycans. Int J Mol Sci 25 (8) 4466.  DOI

Tschongov T, Konwar S, Busch A, Sievert C, Hartmann A, Noris M, Gastoldi S, Aiello S, Schaaf A, Panse J, Zipfel PF, Dabrowska-Schlepp P, Häffner K (2024) Moss-produced human complement factor H with modified glycans has an extended half-life and improved biological activity. Front Immunol 15, 1383123.  DOI

Wang ZG, Qin CY, Chen Y, Yu XY, Chen RY, Niu J, Wang JJ (2024) Fusion dsRNA designs incorporating multiple target sequences can enhance the aphid control capacity of an RNAi-based strategy. Pest Manag Sci 80 (6) 2689–2697.  DOI

Wang ZW, Zhao J, Li GY, Hu D, Wang ZG, Ye C, Wang JJ (2024) The endosymbiont Serratia symbiotica improves aphid fitness by disrupting the predation strategy of ladybeetle larvae. Insect Sci (online first 9/1/2024).  DOI

Windfelder AG, Müller FHH, McLarney B, Hentschel M, Böhringer AC, von Bredow CR, Leinberger FH, Kampschulte M, Maier L, von Bredow YM, FlockeV, Merzendorfer H, Krombach GA, Vilcinskas A, Grimm J, Trenczek TE, Flögel U (2024) High-throughput screening of caterpillars as alternative platform for modeling of gut inflammation. Dev Comp Immunol 148, 105026.  DOI

Windfelder AG, Steinbart J, Scherberich J, Krombach GA, Vilcinskas A (2024) An enteric ultrastructural surface atlas of the model insect Manduca sexta. iScience 27 (4) 109410.  DOI


Dersch L, Stahlhut A, Eichberg J, Paas A, Hardes K, Vilcinskas A, Lüddecke T (2024) Engineering a wolf spider A-family toxin towards increased antimicrobial activity but low toxicity. bioRxiv 2024.03.04.583312.  DOI

Dresler J, Herzig V, Vilcinskas A, Lüddecke T (2024) Enlighting the toxinological dark matter of spider venom enzymes. bioRxiv 2024.02.27.582330.  DOI

Rocchetti L, Rodriguez M, Pieri A, Papalini S, De Antoni L, Vitali E, Vincze A, Brezeanu C, Bellucci E, Nanni L, Rossato M, Delledonne M, Bitocchi E, Papa R (2024) Landscape genomics highlights the adaptive evolution of chickpea. bioRxiv 2024.06.06.597750.  DOI

Schulte L, Uhrig L, Eichberg J, Schwartze M, Auth I, Schulz M, Lindner T, Hien P, Hardes K, Vilcinskas A, Lüddecke T (2024)Comparative venom analysis between melanistic and normally-colored phenotypes of the common adder (Vipera berus). bioRxiv 2024.03.18.585504.  DOI

Susek K, Franco E, Tomaszewska M, Kroc M, Jamil H, Tanwar U, Nelson MN, Papa R, Delledonne M, Jackson SA (2024) The unexplored diversity of wild lupins provides rich genomic resources and insights into lupin evolution. bioRxiv 2024.03.07.583883.  DOI

Affonso de Oliveira JF, Zhao Z, Xiang Y, Shin MD, Villaseñor KE, Deng X, Shukla S, Chen S, Steinmetz NF (2023) COVID-19 vaccines based on viral nanoparticles displaying a conserved B-cell epitope show potent immunogenicity and a long lasting antibody response. Front Microbiol 14, 1117494.  DOI

Albuquerque W, Ghezellou P, Lee KZ, Schneider Q, Gross P, Kessel T, Omokungbe B, Spengler B, Vilcinskas A, Zorn H, Gand M (2023) Peptidomics as a tool to assess the cleavage of wine haze proteins by peptidases from Drosophila suzukii larvae. Biomolecules 13 (3) 451.  DOI

Bhattacharya A, Mukherjee R, Kuncha SK, Brunstein M, Rathore R, Junek S, Münch C, Dikic I (2023) A lysosome membrane regeneration pathway depends on TBC1D15 and autophagic lysosomal reformation proteins. Nature Cell Biol 25, 685–698.  DOI

Behrmann SC, Rinklef A, Lang C, Vilcinskas A, Lee KZ (2023) Potato (Solanum tuberosum) as a new host for Pentastiridius leporinus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) and Candidatus Arsenophonus phytopathogenicus. Insects 14 (3) 281.  DOI

Bellucci E, Benazzo A, Xu C, Bitocchi E, Rodriguez M, Alseekh S, Di Vittori V, Gioia T, Neumann K, Cortinovis G, Frascarelli G, Murube E, Trucchi E, Nanni L, Ariani A, Logozzo G, Shin JH, Liu C, Jiang L, Ferreira JJ, Campa A, Attene G, Morrell PL, Bertorelle G, Graner A, Gepts P, Fernie AR, Jackson SA, Papa R (2023) Selection and adaptive introgression guided the complex evolutionary history of the European common bean. Nature Commun 14 (1) 1908.  DOI

Bernau CR, Buyel JF (2023) The use of antifoam agents to eliminate bubbles during biotechnological sample analysis. Disc Cov Eng 3, 4.  DOI

Chen YJ, Cheah BH, Lin CY, Ku YT, Kuo CH, Zhang YY, Chen BR, Olga NTN, Hsieh CH, Yeh PM, Yeo FKS, Lin YP, Chuang WP, Lee CR, Ting HM (2023) Inducible chemical defenses a in wild mung bean accessions confer resistance to Spodoptera litura at the expense of with drought tolerance. Env Exp Bot 205, 105100.  DOI

Fiebig A, Leibl V, Oostendorf D, Lukaschek S, Frömbgen J, Masoudi M, Kremer AE, Strupf M, Reeh P, Düll M, Namer B (2023) Peripheral signaling pathways contributing to non-histaminergic itch in humans. J Transl Med 21 (1) 908.  DOI

Fischer ML, Yepes Vivas SA, Wielsch N, Kirsch R, Vilcinskas A, Vogel H (2023) You are what you eat – ecological niche and microhabitat influence venom activity and composition in aquatic bugs. Proc Biol Sci 290 (1995) 20222064.  DOI

González A, Covarrubias-Pinto A, Bhaskara RM, Glogger M, Kuncha SK, Xavier A, Seemann E, Misra M, Hoffmann ME, Bräuning B, Balakrishnan A, Qualmann B, Dötsch V, Schulman BA, Kessels MM, Hübner CA, Heilemann M, Hummer G, Dikić I (2023) Ubiquitination regulates ER-phagy and remodelling of endoplasmic reticulum. Nature 618 (7964) 394–401.  DOI

Guzman J, Won M, Poehlein A, Sombolestani AS, Mayorga-Ch D, Laureys D, Clippeleer J, Kämpfer P, Daniel R, Vilcinskas A, Vandamme P, Kwon SW (2023) Aristophania vespae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from wasps, is related to Bombella and Oecophyllibacter, isolated from bees and ants. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 73 (2) 005699.  DOI

Holst AQ, Myers P, Rodríguez-García P, Hermes GDA, Melsaether C, Baker A, Jensen SR, Parschat K (2023) Infant formula supplemented with five human milk oligosaccharides shifts the fecal microbiome of formula-fed infants closer to that of breastfed infants. Nutrients 15 (14) 3087.  DOI

Jung E, Chung YH, Mao C, Fiering SN, Steinmetz NF (2023) The potency of cowpea mosaic virus-based particles for in situ vaccination is unaffected by the specific encapsidated viral RNA. Mol Pharm 20 (7) 3589–3597.  DOI

Knödler M, Buyel JF (2023) Extraction and purification of malaria vaccine candidate CLCT produced by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Disc Chem Eng 3, 14.  DOI

Knödler M, Frank K, Kerpen L, Buyel JF (2023) Design, optimization, production and activity testing of recombinant immunotoxins expressed in plants and plant cells for the treatment of monocytic leukemia. Bioengineered 14 (1) 2244235.  DOI

Knödler M, Opdensteinen P, Sankaranarayanan RA, Morgenroth A, Buhl EM, Mottaghy FM, Buyel JF (2023) Simple plant-based production and purification of the assembled human ferritin heavy chain as a nanocarrier for tumor-targeted drug delivery and bioimaging in cancer therapy. Biotechnol Bioeng 120 (4) 1038–1054.  DOI

Knödler M, Reunious PW, Buyel JF (2023) Risk assessment and bioburden evaluation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient protein expression in plants using the CaMV35S promoter. BMC Biotechnol 23 (1) 14.  DOI

Koludarov I, Velasque M, Senoner T, Timm T, Greve C, Hamadou AB, Gupta DK, Lochnit G, Heinzinger M, Vilcinskas A, Gloag R, Harpur BA, Podsiadlowski L, Rost B, Jackson TNW, Dutertre S, Stolle E, von Reumont BM (2023) Prevalent bee venom genes evolved before the aculeate stinger wand eusociality. BMC Biol 21 (1) 229.  DOI

Kottenhahn P, Philipps G, Bunk B, Spröer C, Jennewein S (2023) The restriction-modification systems of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7. Microorganisms 11 (12) 2962.  DOI

Lappöhn CA, Maerz L, Stei R, Weber LG, Wolff MW (2023) Optimization and validation of analytical affinity chromatography for the in-process monitoring and quantification of peptides containing a C-tag. J Chromatogr B 1229, 123899.  DOI

Lappöhn CA, Oestreich AM, Stei R, Weber LG, Maerz L, Wolff MW (2023) Process intensification for the production of a C-tagged antimicrobial peptide in Escherichia coli - First steps toward a platform technology. J Biosci Bioeng 136 (5) 358–365.  DOI

Lopatriello G, Maestri S, Alfano M, Papa R, Di Vittori V, De Antoni L, Bellucci E, Pieri A, Bitocchi E, Delledonne M, Rossato M (2023) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated enrichment coupled to nanopore sequencing provides a valuable tool for the precise reconstruction of large genomic target regions. Int J Mol Sci 24 (2) 1076.  DOI

Lüddecke T, Dersch L, Schulte L, Hurka S, Paas A, Oberpaul M, Eichberg J, Hardes K, Klimpel S, Vilcinskas A (2023) Functional profiling of the A-family of venom peptides from the wolf spider Lycosa shansia. Toxins 15 (5) 303.  DOI

Marcolungo L, Vincenzi L, Ballottari M, Cecchin M, Cosentino E, Mignani T, Limongi A, Ferraris I, Orlandi M, Rossato M, Delledonne M (2023) Structural refinement by direct mapping reveals assembly inconsistencies near Hi-C junctions. Plants 12 (2) 320.  DOI

McElroy C, Engels B, Meusinger R, Jennewein S (2023) CYPArm2 is a CYP450 monooxygenase with protoilludene 13-hydroxylase activity involved in the biosynthesis of armillyl orsellinate-type sesquiterpenoids. Chembiochem 24 (14) e202300179.  DOI

Mendes SR, Gomis-Rüth FX, Goulas T (2023) Frozen fresh blood plasma preserves the functionality of native human α2-macroglobulin. Sci Rep 13, 4579.  DOI

Meng LW, Yuan GR, Chen ML, Zheng LS, Dou W, Peng Y, Bai WJ, Li ZY, Vontas J, Wang JJ (2023) Cuticular competing endogenous RNAs regulate insecticide penetration and resistance in a major agricultural pest. BMC Biol 21 (1) 187.  DOI

Miyai-Murai Y, Okamoto-Shibayama K, Sato T, Kikuchi Y, Kokubu E, Potempa J, Ishihara K (2023) Localization and pathogenic role of the cysteine protease dentipain in Treponema denticola. Mol Oral Microbiol 38 (3) 212–223.  DOI

Muñoz-Basagoiti J, Monteiro FLL, Krumpe LRH, Armario-Najera V, Shenoy SR, Perez-Zsolt D, Westgarth HJ, Villorbina G, Bomfim LM, Raïch-Regué D, Nogueras L, Henrich CJ, Gallemí M, Moreira FRR, Torres P, Wilson J, D’arc M, Marfil S, Herlinger AL, Pradenas E, Higa LM, Otin MP, Trinité B, Twyman RM, Capell T, Tanuri A, Blanco J, Useros NI, Rech EL, Christou P, O’Keefe BR (2023) Cyanovirin-N binds to select SARS-CoV2 Spike oligosaccharides outside of the receptor binding domain and blocks infection by SARS-CoV2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 120 (10) e2214561120.  DOI

Najafi S, Bertini E, D’Incà E, Fasoli M, Zenoni S (2023) DNA-free genome editing in grapevine using CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes followed by protoplast regeneration. Hort Res 10 (1) uhac240.  DOI

Ortega-Rivera OA, Beiss V, Osota EO, Chan SK, Karan S, Steinmetz NF (2023) Production of cytoplasmic type citrus leprosis virus-like particles by plant molecular farming. Virology 578, 7–12.  DOI

Ostheller ME, Balakrishnan NK, Beukenberg K, Groten R, Seide G (2023) Pilot-scale melt electrospinning of polybutylene succinate fiber mats for a biobased and biodegradable face mask. Polymers 15 (13) 2936.  DOI

Pöri P, Lille M, Edelmann M, Aisala H, Santangelo D, Coda R, Sozer N (2023) Technological and sensory properties of plant-based meat analogues containing fermented sunflower protein concentrate. Future Foods 8, 100244.  DOI

Rossato M, Marcolungo L, De Antoni L, Lopatriello G, Bellucci E, Cortinovis G, Frascarelli G, Nanni L, Bitocchi E, Di Vittori V, Vincenzi L, Lucchini F, Bett KE, Ramsay L, Konkin DJ, Delledonne M, Papa R (2023) CRISPR-Cas9-based repeat depletion for high-throughput genotyping of complex plant genomes. Genome Res 33 (5) 787–797.  DOI

Saba-Mayoral A, Rosa C, Sobrino-Mengual G, Armario-Najera V, Christou P, Capell T (2023) Production of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain in stably-transformed rice plants for developing country applications. Plant Biotechnol J 21 (6) 1094–1096.  DOI

Sarisoy A, Acosta S, Rodríguez-Cabello JC, Czichowski P, Kopp A, Jockenhoevel S, Fernández-Colino A (2023) Bioglues based on an elastin-like recombinamer: effect of tannic acid as an additive on tissue adhesion and cytocompatibility. Int J Mol Sci 24 (7) 6776.  DOI

Schick S, Groten R, Seide GH (2023) Performance spectrum of home-compostable biopolymer fibers compared to a petrochemical alternative. Polymers 15 (6) 1372.  DOI

Schulte L, Damm M, Avella I, Uhrig L, Erkoc P, Schiffmann S, Fürst R, Timm T, Lochnit G, Vilcinskas A, Lüddecke T (2023) Venomics of the milos viper (Macrovipera schweizeri) unveils patterns of venom composition and exochemistry across blunt-nosed viper venoms. Front Mol Biosci 10, 1254058.  DOI

Sens A, Rischke S, Hahnefeld L, Dorochow E, Schäfer SMG, Thomas D, Köhm M, Geisslinger G, Behrens F, Gurke R (2023) Pre-analytical sample handling standardization for reliable measurement of metabolites and lipids in LC-MS-based clinical research. J Mass Spectrom Adv Clin Lab 28, 35–46.  DOI

Staniec D, Rut W, Drag M, Burmistrz M, Kitching M, Potempa J (2023) Mapping the substrate-binding subsite specificity of a Porphyromonas gingivalis Tpr peptidase. Acta Biochim Pol 70 (4) 963–968.  DOI

Sun QZ, Li XL, Shi YF, Zhang YC, Chai WJ, Chen RY, Niu J, Wang JJ (2023) GARP: A family of glycine and alanine-rich proteins that helps spider mites feed on plants. Insect Sci 30 (5) 1337–1351.  DOI

Szczęśniak K, Veillard F, Scavenius C, Chudzik K, Ferenc K, Bochtler M, Potempa J (2023)The Bacteroidetes Q-rule and glutaminyl cyclase activity increase the stability of extracytoplasmic proteins. mBio 14 (5) e00980-23.  DOI

Tang Y, Zhang Z, Yang Z, Wu J (2023) CRISPR/Cas9 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence proteins synergistically increase efficiency of precise genome editing via homology directed repair in plants. J Exp Bot 74 (12) 3518–3530.  DOI

Tarrés-Solé A, Battistini F, Gerhold JM, Piétrement O, Martínez-García B, Ruiz-López E, Lyonnais S, Bernadó P, Roca J, Orozco M, Le Cam E, Sedman J, Solà M (2023) Structural analysis of the Candida albicans mitochondrial DNA maintenance factor Gcf1p reveals a dynamic DNA-bridging mechanism. Nucleic Acids Res 51 (11) 5864–5882.  DOI

Toffali L, D'Ulivo B, Giagulli C, Montresor A, Zenaro E, Delledonne M, Rossato M, Iadarola B, Sbarbati A, Bernardi P, Angelini G, Rossi B, Lopez N, Linke WA, Unger A, Di Silvestre D, Benazzi L, De Palma A, Motta S, Constantin G, Mauri P, Laudanna C (2023) An isoform of the giant protein titin is a master regulator of human T lymphocyte trafficking. Cell Rep 42 (5) 112516.  DOI

Vocadlova K, Lamp B, Benes K, Matha V, Lee KZ, Vilcinskas A (2023) Crude extracts of Talaromyces strains (Ascomycota) affect honey bee (Apis mellifera) resistance to chronic bee paralysis virus. Viruses 15 (2) 343.  DOI

Vocadlova K, Lüddecke T, Patras MA, Marner M, Hartwig C, Benes K, Matha V, Mraz P, Schäberle TF, Vilcinskas A (2023) Extracts of Talaromyces purpureogenus strains from Apis mellifera bee bread inhibit the growth of Paenibacillus spp. in vitro. Microorganisms 11 (8) 2067.  DOI

Wang D, Yu Z, Guan M, Cai Q, Wei J, Ma P, Xue Z, Ma R, Oksman-Caldentey KM, Rischer H (2023) Comparative transcriptome analysis of Veratrum maackii and Veratrum nigrum reveals multiple candidate genes involved in steroidal alkaloid biosynthesis. Sci Rep 13 (1) 8198.  DOI

Wang ZG, Chen RY, Jiang YK, Wang ZW, Wang JJ, Niu J (2023) Investigation of potential non-target effects to a ladybeetle Propylea japonica in the scenario of RNAi-based pea aphid control. Entomol Gen 43 (1) 79–88.  DOI

Wielento A, Bereta GP, Szczęśniak K, Jacuła A, Terekhova M, Artyomov MN, Hasegawa Y, Grabiec AM, Potempa J (2023) Accessory fimbrial subunits and PPAD are necessary for TLR2 activation by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Mol Oral Microbiol 38 (4) 334–346.  DOI

Windfelder AG, Steinbart J, Flögel U, Scherberich J, Kampschulte M, Krombach GA, Vilcinskas A (2023) A quantitative micro-tomographic gut atlas of the lepidopteran model insect Manduca sexta. iScience 26 (6) 106801.  DOI

Wolters SM, Benninghaus VA, Roelfs KU, van Deenen N, Twyman RM, Prüfer D, Schulze Gronover C (2023) Overexpression of a pseudo-etiolated-in-light-like protein in Taraxacum koksaghyz leads to a pale green phenotype and enables transcriptome-based network analysis of photomorphogenesis and isoprenoid biosynthesis. Front Plant Sci 14, 1228961.  DOI

Wu D, Mehdipour AR, Finke F, Goojani HG, Groh RR, Grund TN, Reichhart TMB, Zimmermann R, Welsch S, Bald D, Shepherd M, Hummer G, Safarian S (2023) Dissecting the conformational complexity and mechanism of a bacterial heme transporter. Nature Chem Biol 19 (8) 992–1003.  DOI

Xu L, Jiang HB, Yu JL, Pan D, Tao Y, Lei Q, Chen Y, Liu Z, Wang JJ (2023) Two odorant receptors regulate 1-octen-3-ol induced oviposition behavior in the oriental fruit fly. Commun Biol 6 (1) 176.  DOI

You Y, Bai C, Wang W, Zhan T, Hu X, Hao F, Xia M, Liu Y, Ma T, Liu Y, Zheng C, Pu T, Zhang Y, Lu Y, Ding N, Li J, Yin Y, Chen Y, Wang L, Zhou J, Niu L, Xiu Y, Lu Y, Jia T, Liu X, Zhang C (2023) Comparative proteomics in captive giant pandas to identify proteins involved in age-related cataract formation.. Sci Rep 13 (1) 12722.  DOI

Zaza G, Neri F, Bruschi M, Granata S, Petretto A, Bartolucci M, di Bella C, Candiano G, Stallone G, Gesualdo L, Furian L (2023) Proteomics reveals specific biological changes induced by the normothermic machine perfusion of donor kidneys with a significant up-regulation of Latexin. Sci Rep 13 (1) 5920.  DOI

Zhang Q, Dou W, He LQ, Yu SS, Chen JQ, Zheng LY, Wang L, Smagghe G, Wang JJ (2023) Pannier is a key regulator of embryogenesis, pupal development and female reproduction in the insect pest Bactrocera dorsalis. Pest Manag Sci 79 (4) 1352–1361.  DOI

Zhou XR, Beier S, Brilhaus D, Martins Rodrigues C, Mühlhaus T, von Suchodoletz D, Twyman RM, Usadel B, Kranz A (2023) DataPLAN: A web-based data management plan generator for the plant sciences. Data 8 (11) 159.  DOI

Zorzi G, Gambini S, Negri S, Guzzo F, Commisso M (2023) Untargeted metabolomics analysis of the orchid species Oncidium sotoanum reveals the presence of rare bioactive C-diglycosylated chrysin derivatives. Plants 12 (3) 655.  DOI


Bhattacharya A, Mukherjee R, Kuncha SK, Brunstein M, Rathore R, Junek S, Münch C, Dikic I (2023) TBC1D15 potentiates lysosomal regeneration from damaged membranes. bioRxiv 2022.12.14.520480.  DOI

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